Original model by huddizle (rms titanic) hms britannic by mos enjoiments. some have watertight door animations, engine animations, and sinking animations. the exteriors and interiors of the ship have been created with the utmost care. in deluxe you will find detailed paid models that have been spent a lot of time and effort.

The site contains models for the virtual sailor and the vehicle simulator. The fast sinking of the hmhs britannic | virtual sailor 7 epiic soniickzz 87.8k subscribers subscribe 3.1k views 2 years ago hi everyone hope you all enjoy the new video stay awesome. along with her sisters olympic & titanic. hmhs britannic was the third and final ship in the olympic class.

1.6k share save 655k views 9 years ago i do not own the following music. shortly after the collision with the mine, attempts to close the watertight doors were nearly a complete success. On the morning of november 21, 1916, britannic was sailing in the kea channel when an explosion by a mine rocked the ship after a collision at approximately 8:12 a.m.