The following procedure was tested on Windows 10 with Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS in May 2020. Follow the instructions in the Ubuntu download site, and google if you encounter problems. The installation procedure changes over the Windows/Ubuntu releases.

Installing Ubuntu Desktop via VirtualBox or VMWare Dual-boot (or multi-boot), with each OS running in its own disk partition.Via a virtualization software such as VirtualBox or VMWare.There are various ways to install Ubuntu alongside an existing Operating Systems (such as Windows, Mac OS): Installing Ubuntu Desktop alongside an Operating System For production, use the Ubuntu Server without the Windowing system. For programmers/developers, install the Ubuntu Desktop first and then install the server packages (such as LAMP). Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server are almost identical, except that the Ubuntu Server does not come with the Windowing system, i.e., no GUI applications. Ubuntu has many flavors, notably Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server. Installing Ubuntu Desktop for Programmers/Developers Ubuntu "Desktop" vs. Ubuntu has many flavors: Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Cloud, Ubuntu Netbook, Ubuntu Core, Kubuntu, EdUbuntu, Xubuntu, and others. Some version are marked as LTS (Long Term Support), which will be supported over the next 5 years, e.g., 14.04 LTS. Since then, there are two releases per year, in April ( YY-04) and October ( YY-10), e.g., 14.04, 14.10. The first Ubuntu version was released in October 2004. It uses Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) - Debian's high-level package management system - for managing the software on the system. Mozilla Thunderbird, Pidgin IM client, and a collection of tools and games. It includes the OpenOffice suite, Firefox Web browser,

The term "ubuntu" means " humanity towards others" in southern African language. Ubuntu is sponsored by Mark Shuttleworth, a south African entrepreneur who made his fortune in IT, via a company called Canonical Inc. Ubuntu is open-source and free ("free" as in "free speech", not as in "free beer"). In other words, it is a packaging of " Linux Kernel + GNU System Programs and Utilities". Ubuntu is a distribution (or distros in short) of "GNU-Linux", just like RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, and Debian.